Updated September 2024

The naughty user list

We listed different ways people may use for gaming our system when it comes to sharing Salary Feedback, and explained why we believe this wouldn't be a good idea!

  • Candidate: "I'll ask for more than I want, just to try!"

    You might think that by asking for more you will be able to get more. What you actually risk is to get a red light and that the company decides to stop the recruitment process for this reason.

    BeCandid will always incentivize candidates to give their honest salary feedback, based on their experience, the role, and what they feel would be a salary they would be satisfied with.

    Be Candid!

  • Candidate: "I'll ask for less to increase my chances!"

    You might think that by asking for less than you would actually want, you will increase your chance to get a green light, hence to receive an offer. While this is true that you increase your chance to get a green light, this doesn't mean that you would have more chances to receive an offer. And if you do receive one, it will probably be lower than what you really wanted. How to explain to a company then that you purposedly lowered your expectations during the process? A bit awkward isn't it?

    BeCandid will always incentivize candidates to give their honest salary feedback, based on their experience, the role, and what they feel would be a salary they are satisfied with.

    Be Candid!

  • Recruiter: "I'll give a very large salary range to keep my options".

    You might be tempted to enter a very large salary range to make sure that it covers a large % of candidates. With this strategy, there are high chances that results show Orange lights for most candidates. With such a large range, an Orange light will not be representative of what candidates would really want, and BeCandid becomes useless.

    We will always incentivize companies to think about a realistic salary range based on the experience required, the role, their internal scale and their budget. The aim of our product is to share honest feedback on both sides, so that results can really mean something.

    Be Candid!

  • Recruiter: "I'll put a minimum salary that is lower than our budget".

    You might be tempted to enter as a minimum salary a lower one than what is actually budgeted, to try to save some money on a recruitment. While this is true that finding a candidate with lower expectations than the budget can help a company save money, would it really be a good strategy to start a working relationship on this foundation? And what does it show of the real company culture? The candidate, once employed, will quickly understand they've been paid less than others, and this has a negative impact on both the employee retention and the company culture.

    We will always incentivize companies to think about a realistic salary range based on the experience required, the role, their internal scale and their budget, and not try to offer "as small as possible". The aim of our product is to share honest feedback on both sides, so that results can really mean something.

    Be Candid!

  • Recruiter: "I'll put a maximum salary that is higher than our budget".

    You might be tempted to enter as a maximum salary a higher one than what is actually budgeted, to avoid losing strong qualified candidates, thinking that you can always offer less than that in the end. While this is true that obtaining a red light would mean that a great candidate may decide not to continue the recruitment process, would it really be a good strategy to start a working relationship on this foundation? And what does it show of the real company culture? The candidate, at the offer stage, might receive an offer that is lower than the salary that they communicated and will feel tricked. Even if they accept the offer, this episode will no doubt have a negative impact on both the employee retention and the company culture.

    We will always incentivize companies to think about a realistic salary range right from the start and based on the experience required, the role, their internal scale and their budget. The aim of our product is to share honest feedback on both sides, so that results can really mean something.

    Be Candid!

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