Guides for candidates
SalaryChecker by BeCandid is a B2B SaaS solution (software as a service). It allows candidates and recruiters to mutually share salary expectations and budgets in full confidentiality. Answers are not visible to anyone and what you receive is a salary alignment report comparing answers.
The recruiter enters the salary range that they would be willing to offer to a candidate. The candidate enters the salary that they would like to get for the role. Both the candidate and the recruiter receive a green, orange or red light, informing them if the candidate's expectations are below, within or above the company salary range. None of them know what numbers were entered. But they do know if their answers are compatible. This is, in our opinion, what really matters during the recruitment process to start the relationship on strong foundations on both sides.
Visit the Pricing page and select the plan that fits your needs.
Sign up to the free plan or contact us for paying plans.
Our team will conduct a KYC for security purpose and when successful, create your account in the BeCandid platform.
You sure can! We have a free version available and it is perfect for trying the product. It is a light version of the pro plan, with exactly the same features!
No! At BeCandid, confidentiality and data protection are of the essence. We do not use any of our customers' data for marketing or benchmarking purpose. What happens in your BeCandid platform stays in your BeCandid platform, full stop.
BeCandid was designed with the concept of data minimisation and other GDPR principles in mind. Our privacy and cookies policy details the way we process personal data.
BeCandid platform for companies and mobile app for candidates are currently available in English and French. Company users can select their preferred language on the platform and it is also possible to select the notification language to use when sending an INVITE to someone.
To upgrade to a higher pricing plan or downgrade to a lower one, your company SuperAdmin can contact us at
SalaryChecker focuses on the annual base salary. We strongly believe that without a compatible base salary, it will be hard for any variable to be a game changer.
SalaryChecker is not a negotiation tool. It aims at providing a baseline to salary negotiation by assessing compatibility of the base salary. The variable and benefits part of compensation are therefore not taken into account at this stage.